Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city

Republic Archive

4 April 2012
VITEBSK, 4 April (BelTA) – Sanctions against Belarus will not bring positive results, Apostolic Nuncio of Belarus Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti told a press conference in the Catholic Cathedral Church of Jesus the Merciful in Vitebsk on 4 April, BelTA learnt. According to the diplomat, before he left for Belarus, the Pope instructed him to work to the benefit of Belarus and its people regardless of the reasons that lie behind the conflict between Belarus and the European Union. “We will...
4 April 2012
RAUBICHI, 4 April (BelTA) – It is premature to stop discussing the return of Soviet time deposits in Belarus, said Chairwoman of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (NBRB) Nadezhda Yermakova on 4 April. “We shouldn’t remove the item from the agenda. People should get their deposits back. When it can be done is another matter,” she said. The official spoke in favor of a cautious approach and discouraged populist decisions. The return of Soviet time deposits...
3 April 2012
MINSK, 3 April (BelTA) – Representatives of Belarusian companies will go to Helsinki, Finland, on 16-19 April to attend FinnTec-2012, Metal Industry and Engineering Trade Show. The visit is organized by The Vitebsk Office of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), BelTA learnt from the BCCI Vitebsk Office. The Belarusian businessmen will get familiar with modern technologies in metalworking and mechanical engineering at the major technical exhibition of Scandinavia. They...
2 April 2012
VITEBSK, 2 April (BelTA) - Development of regional ties contribute to the integration of Belarus and Russia in all areas, Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk City Hall Vladimir Shloma said at the solemn meeting dedicated to the Day of Unity of the people of Belarus and Russia. According to Vladimir Shloma, the present and future of Vitebsk and Vitebsk Oblast cannot be imagined without Russian participation. Vitebsk maintains close and friendly ties with Smolensk, Pskov, Samara, Stupino,...
29 March 2012
NOVOPOLOTSK, 29 March (BelTA) - In January-February this year trade between Belarus and Latvia went up more than 3.5 times, Ambassador of Belarus to Latvia Alexander Gerasimenko said at the first Belarusian-Latvian forum of twin-towns. Latvia is a major trade and economic partner of Belarus, stressed Alexander Gerasimenko. Last year alone 82 joint ventures with Belarusian capital were set up in that country (currently there are over 500 of them). Sixty-three companies with Latvian capital...
29 March 2012
MINSK, 29 March (BelTA) – Basic rent unit will be Br54,000 in Belarus as from 1 April. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed relevant decree No. 150 on 29 March, the press service of the head of state told BelTA. The document regulates procedures used to determine rental fees for real estate using basic rent unit.In the future the basic rent unit will be set by the Council of Ministers every year taking into account annual inflation (the consumer price index of the previous year...