Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city

Republic Archive

29 March 2012
NOVOPOLOTSK, 29 March (BelTA) – Belarusian and Latvian businessmen will cooperate despite EU sanctions, BelTA learned from Juris Bruzhuks, a Latvian businessman, the owner of a major apparel manufacturer Viola Stils, at the first forum of Belarusian and Latvian twinned cities in Novopolotsk on 29 March. “Latvia has many kinship and business ties with Belarus that have evolved over the course of history. The two economies are intertwined. Therefore sanctions of the European Union will not...
26 March 2012
MINSK, 26 March (BelTA) – In January-February 2012 Belarus received $140.5 million in net foreign direct investments (without taking into account debts to direct investors for goods and services), representatives of the Economy Ministry told BelTA as they commented on the fulfillment of the national social and economic development forecast in the two months of 2012. In 2012 Belarus is expected to attract $1.2 billion in net FDI, therefore 11.7% of the goal has been achieved. The FDI were...
23 March 2012
MINSK, 23 March (BelTA) – The Belarusian side believes the presence of the recalled ambassadors of the nations that have voted in favor of introducing additional sanctions against several Belarusian citizens and enterprises is not required in Belarus. The statement was made by Andrei Savinykh, Head of the Information Office, Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, at a press conference on 23 March. “We are forced to immediately start taking response measures. Our...
23 March 2012
MINSK, 23 March (BelTA) – President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko intends to hear out working reports on the development of the regions from the heads of the oblast administrations one by one. The Belarusian head of state made the relevant statement at the government session involving the chairmen of the Vitebsk Oblast and Gomel Oblast executive committees on 23 March. The press service of the Belarusian leader quoted Alexander Lukashenko as saying: “Q1 2012 is nearly over. Results of...
20 March 2012
MOSCOW, 20 March (BelTA) – Belarus is ready for expanding trade and economic cooperation with Moscow, said President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as he met with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on 20 March. Alexander Lukashenko said that at the restricted participation meeting with the Moscow Mayor the sides had made strategic arrangements on future prospects of cooperation. “I am thankful for your pragmatic and strategic treatment of these matters. You have agreed not to destroy what has...
16 March 2012
NOVOPOLOTSK, 16 March (BelTA) – A person will never be successful without love for his or her own country, said Alexander Radkov, Deputy Head of the Belarus President Administration, at the educational forum held in Novopolotsk on 16 March for people in the promising personnel reserve of the Vitebsk Oblast administration. Wherever the person may live, whatever transnational corporation may employ the person, he or she should remember about interests of the native country, said the...