Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city
Main / News / Republic


6 June 2024
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to the participants and guests of the 30th International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies TIBO, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader.  “For three decades it has rightfully become an authoritative platform to demonstrate global trends and to discuss trends and prospects in IT, contributing to the dynamic movement into the digital future covering almost all areas of our lives,” the...
5 June 2024
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Governor of Russia's Irkutsk Oblast Igor Kobzev in Irkutsk on 5 June, BelTA has learned. The Belarusian head of state was greeted with bread and salt and folk songs in front of the Irkutsk Oblast Government building. Veterans of war and labor, artists of the folklore group of the Irkutsk Association of Belarusian Culture and the Obereg folk group of the Irkutsk regional folk art center came to welcome Aleksandr Lukashenko.  Igor Kobzev...
4 June 2024
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has arrived in Russia on a working visit. The head of state is visiting Irkutsk Oblast, BelTA has learned. The plane of the Belarusian leader arrived in Russia from Genghis Khan International Airport in Ulaanbaatar. Aleksandr Lukashenko was in Mongolia on a state visit, during which the presidents of the two countries held official talks one-on-one and with the participation of their delegations. The parties reached an agreement on expanding...
3 June 2024
Heads of state Aleksandr Lukashenko and Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh signed a treaty on friendly relations and cooperation between Belarus and Mongolia following the negotiations in Ulaanbaatar, BelTA has learned. The negotiations resulted in 14 different documents on the development of bilateral cooperation in various areas. Apart from the treaty signed by the heads of state, the most significant is the roadmap for cooperation between Belarus and Mongolia until 2026. Other documents include a...
31 May 2024
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has extended greetings to the participants of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Belarusian Political Science: Diversity in Unity”, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. “For the past two decades the conference has deservedly become one of the authoritative platforms to discuss the problems of political theory and practice, having played an important role in the formation of the Belarusian...
30 May 2024
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko will pay a state visit to Mongolia on 1-4 June, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian leader. Official negotiations with President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh will take place in Ulaanbaatar. They will be held in a limited and expanded format. The two leaders will discuss promising avenues of cooperation and efforts to make the most of cooperation potential, primarily in trade and economy. They will also discuss supplies of...