Glubokoe regional executive committee

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2 December 2014

Belarus believes in peaceful settlement of situation in Middle East

Belarus believes in peaceful settlement of the situation in Middle East, First Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Alexander Mikhnevich said as he spoke at the event held on 1 December to mark International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, BelTA has learned.

Alexander Mikhnevich stressed: “Belarus is convinced that the Palestinians’ inherent right for an independent and territorially integral state coexisting with Israel in peace and security within the internationally recognized borders will be implemented. The political and economic geography of the region makes the peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation an indispensible condition for successful development of all the states and peoples. We expect that Palestinians and the Israeli will be able to work out a mutually acceptable variant for a peaceful settlement of the conflict with the assistance of the international community.”

Only joint efforts and negotiations can put an end to disagreements, resolve the feud and reach a compromise, the First Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus said.

“For our part we will continue support the efforts aimed at the exercise of the rights of the Palestinian people,” he said.

Alexander Mikhnevich expressed hope that very soon the Palestinian people will reach national independency and all the peoples in Middle East will have a peaceful sky over their heads, calmness and wellbeing.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Palestine to Belarus Khalid Arikat stressed the interest in a peaceful settlement of the conflict. He also noted that the relations between Belarus and Palestine are based on friendship, mutual understanding and mutual interests.