Glubokoe regional executive committee

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7 October 2014

Belarus government to enable favorable conditions for transport business development

MINSK, 7 October (BelTA) – The Belarus government will create all the prerequisites and enable all the conditions for the sake of development of transport business in the country, BelTA learned from Vice Prime Minister of Belarus Anatoly Kalinin at the opening of the international expo Transport and Logistics 2014 on 7 October.

According to the Vice Prime Minister, participants of the forum will be able to reach agreements and sign contracts of importance for the Belarus economy.

In turn, Belarusian Transport and Communications Minister Anatoly Sivak remarked that the event was a perfect venue for establishing direct contacts.

According to First Deputy Transport and Communications Minister Yevgeny Rogachev, this year the Ministry has put a lot of efforts into preparing this annual event. The level and the quality of the event improve all the time. “The event produces serious commercial contracts,” noted the official.

The transport forum that will stay open in Minsk till 9 October features two international specialized expos Transport and Logistics 2014 and Logistics Engineering 2014 as well as the 8th Belarusian transport and logistics congress in addition to a number of international events, seminars, conferences, and roundtable sessions.

Participants of the expos will demonstrate modern transport systems and relevant equipment, technologies and machines for designing, construction, repairing, and maintaining various kinds of transport communications, services for transporting cargoes and passengers, information and service systems for transport and logistics. The expos will feature over 100 companies from 11 countries, including Austria, Belgium, Germany, and Iran.

The specialized seminars, roundtable sessions and conferences will feature prospects of developing Minsk’s transport infrastructure, will focus on ecology and energy effectiveness with regard to transport, the development of railway cargo transportation in the Euro-Asian market of transport services in 2015, the improvement of the structure of transportation by air and transport services in the National Airport Minsk.

The current transport week has gathered executives and delegations of the relevant government agencies of all the countries Belarus neighbors on. In particular, these delegations will take part in sessions of the CIS intergovernmental council of road industry enterprises, roundtable sessions on prospects and barriers in the development of transport and logistics cooperation between Belarus and Poland, Belarusian-Latvian interaction in transport policy.