Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city
30 June 2014

Belarus’ Independence Day celebrations to start 1 July

MINSK, 30 June (BelTA) – Large-scale celebrations of Belarus’ Independence Day will start on 1 July, First Deputy Culture Minister Irina Driga told media, BelTA has learned.

The nationwide celebrations will feature a number of major events, including both traditional and new ones. The celebrations on 1 July will begin with a solemn meeting and a concert in the Palace of Republic in Minsk. "This is a traditional event, but we tried to bring some new names and ideas into the concert part. We sought to make this concert the reflection of the history of our country from the war years, from the heroic struggle against the Fascism and the liberation up to the present. The concert will be one of the largest in recent years. Its main idea is the continuity of generations and the indivisible unity of the people,” said Irina Driga.

2 July will see the flower laying ceremony in Victory Square in Minsk. In addition to the strict military ceremonial it will be supplemented by a civilian element: a commemorative vocal and choreographic performance based on the theme of the song Cranes, which will symbolize the shared memory of the people killed during the war, defenders of the homeland.

The main celebrations will take place all over Belarus on 3 July. A military parade and a theatrical show-procession "Belarus: From Liberation To Independence" will be held in the evening. The procession will feature dramatized episodes of Minsk liberation, the recovery of the city and restoration of economy, and also the modern Belarus. The highlight of the evening will be a traditional event "Let's sing the anthem together", which is a prelude to the fireworks. "Together all participants in the festivities will sing the anthem. This colorful spectacle is really touching and magnificent,” said Irina Driga.

A big concert “Road of the Liberators" will be held near the Minsk Hero City Stele on 3 July. It has been jointly organized by the Second National TV Channel and the Culture Ministry. This project was launched last year in the towns that were the first in Belarus to be liberated during the war. The concert in Minsk will be the final event of the project.

"Celebration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders is an important social-political event of the year. A special committee headed by the Prime Minister has been working for two years to make this celebration a striking and memorable event that will remain in the memory of the Belarusians for a long time," added Irina Driga.