Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

Glubokoe is the cherry capital
Glubokoe is the cherry capital
14 August 2014

Belarus to partake in Izmir International Fair

MINSK, 14 August (BelTA) – Belarus will present its national exposition at the international fair which is due to take place in Izmir, Turkey on 29 August-2 September, BelTA learnt from Belinterexpo Company of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Among Belarusian exhibitors are companies subordinate to the Construction and Architecture Ministry, the Agriculture and Food Ministry, the Healthcare Ministry, the concerns Belneftekhim, Belgospishcheprom and Bellesbumprom. Among the companies is Gomelsteklo, Volkovysk-based Bellakt, Borisov Plant of Medical Products, Belneftekhim’s trading company in Turkey Belneftekhim Petrokimya Ticaret, Grodno Azot, Naftan, SvetlogorskKhimvolokno, companies representing the confectionary, liquor and spirits, and tobacco industries.

According to Belinterexpo, a special educational seminar was held for the abovementioned companies, which focused on enhancing the efficiency of participating in exhibition events.

The Izmir International Fair is one of the world’s biggest multi-industry exhibitions. Every year over 1,000 Turkish and foreign exhibitors from 60 countries take part in the expo. The number of its visitors exceeds 1.5 million people. The exhibition features a wide range of exhibits and services that include all industrial sectors: food industry and equipment; motor-car construction, building and agricultural equipment; construction industry, equipment and materials; ventilation and conditioning systems; power, IT and telecommunications; chemical and petrochemical technologies.

The organizers of the Belarusian national exposition include the Foreign Ministry, the Healthcare Ministry, the Architecture and construction Ministry, the Sports Ministry, the Belgospishcheprom and Belneftekhim concerns, the National Investment and Privatization Agency and the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The exhibition operator is Belinterexpo.