Glubokoe regional executive committee

Regional Executive Committee

42 Lenina street, Glubokoye, 211800

8 (02156) 2 58 65

Fax: 8 (02156) 2 58 30

The visiting card of the city
The visiting card of the city
17 December 2014

Lukashenko: Belarus needs military security, social and political stability

The country needs military security, social and political stability, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said at the meeting of the Security Council of Belarus on 16 December, BelTA has learned.

According to Alexander Lukashenko, the meeting will focus on Belarus’ defense plan. The President stressed that Belarus should develop and strengthen its defense capacities.

“Everybody should understand that no one will be allowed to talk to Belarus from a position of force. We are not a huge country, we do not possess nuclear weapons, but our army is effective enough to counter any threat. Not only the army but the whole nation is prepared to do it,” the head of state said.

“We do not want to be dictated and maltreated. We will take care of our land, our national identity and independence,” the President underlined.

"We clearly understand that stability and security are very important for the country’s sustainable development. We do not seek to wage a war, but we will do all we can to ensure the military security and social and political stability in the country,” Alexander Lukashenko noted. According to him, "If anyone thinks that we intentionally increase pressure in our society and the state, if anyone thinks that we intentionally look for some external enemies, they are deeply mistaken.” "Our state is going though such a period of development when we need no external enemies, in the form of a scarecrow, or internal wariness. We need peace and quiet. Only in this situation, we will be able to grow further and withstand any challenges,” he noted.

The President added that if anyone thinks to come here with a sword, he must also know that he will be hit by the sword.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that at the current meeting the Security Council will plan the measures to prevent first of all military threats. He stressed that he would like to hear how the Security Council deals with the current trends, forms and methods of military actions and how it assesses the political, military and strategic situation from the point of view of Belarus’ security, and how the external threats may influence the country. The President drew attention to the need to assess the situation realistically and to offer solutions taking into account the existing capacities.