Glubokoe regional executive committee

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28 December 2015

Lukashenko: There are future champions among participants of children's athletics festival

There are future champions who will confirm the image of Belarus as the country of sport in the international arena among the participants of the Christmas children's athletics festival Three Hundred Talents for the Queen, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said at the opening of the festival on 26 December, BelTA has learned.

"I wholeheartedly welcome you at the Christmas track and field festival. I am very glad that it is not ice hockey but the track and field event that has brought us together in winter to celebrate New Year," the head of state stressed.

In his words, track and field athletics is not by accident called "the queen of sport". It attracts a lot of people, includes many competitions and is rich in records. The President stressed that the majority of medals at the Olympic Games are won in track and field events. "Track and field athletics is extremely popular with sports fans and is the foundation for all sports. Today, in the new track and field indoor arena of the Belarusian State University of Physical Education, three hundred strong and nimble boys and girls from all over Belarus will demonstrate their athletic skills. I am convinced that there are future champions who will confirm that image of our state as the country of sport in the international arena among you. We strongly hope that you will continue the glorious traditions of your country," the head of state remarked. Alexander Lukashenko noted even if that some participants of the today's festival do not devote themselves to elite sport but go in for sport for their own pleasure, it will bring huge benefits to the state because the country needs smart and strong people.