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4 November 2014

Over 200 businessmen to partake in Belarus-Lithuania economic forum

Over 200 representatives of the business world will take part in the 10th Belarusian-Lithuanian Economic Forum which is due in Mogilev on 4-5 November, BelTA learnt from the Economy Committee of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee.

Prime Ministers of Belarus and Lithuania Mikhail Myasnikovich and Algirdas Butkevicius are expected to open this large-scale event. The program of a plenary meeting will comprise speeches and presentation of investment projects by the heads of the delegations of Belarus and Lithuania, representatives of state run public authorities and businessmen. It is expected that the plenary meeting will include the signing of investment agreements and other documents on investment projects. The participants of the forum will adopt the final declaration.

Other sessions of the forum will highlight the issues related to the Belarusian-Lithuanian cooperation in investment and innovation, transport and transit areas. Participants of the forum are expected to hold a number of meetings and talks. Lithuanian businessmen are set to participate in the 7th International Investment Forum “Mogilev Oblast – Road to Success”.

According to the Economy Committee of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee, the forum will promote further intensification of the trade, economic, sci-tech and humanitarian cooperation, development of the economic integration between the two countries, demonstrate the export potential of the Belarusian leading companies-producers. The international forum will serve as a platform to search for new economic partners, potential investors, strengthen the image of national companies on foreign markets, allow exchanging the best doing business practices.

Lithuania is one of Belarus’ leading economic partners in Europe. The Belarusian-Lithuanian relations have been steadily developing in the recent years. Joint efforts help the countries cooperate successfully in the transport, transit and investment sectors, expand the bilateral trade in goods and services.

In 2013 Lithuania ranked 8th biggest trading partner of Belarus, 5th in the volume of exports and 10th in imports. Last year the bilateral trade exceeded $1.5 billion, with Belarusian export standing at $1.1 billion and import at $0.5 billion. Belarus posted a trade surplus of $0.6 billion. In January-August 2014 the bilateral trade was estimated at $979 million. The export rose by 5.4% to reach $754.1 million, the import shrank by 21.9% down to $224.8 million. Belarus posted a trade surplus of $529.3 million.

Among the organizers of the forum on Belarus’ behalf is the Economy Ministry, the Foreign Ministry, the Embassy of Belarus in Lithuania, state run public authorities, the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee, the National Investment and Privatization Agency, the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Belarusian Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The forum organizers on Lithuania’s side include the Confederation of Industrialists, the Lithuanian Business Center on Economic and Trade Cooperation with the Republic of Belarus, industry associations, the Embassy of Lithuania in Belarus.